Our Finances
Our 2023 Income and Expenditure
Total Income

Total Expenditure
Where our funding came from in 2023
Galway City Council

Health Service Executive


Galway County Council

Fundraising, Grants & Retail

Services charges

Other Income

*Original decimals have been rounded up for these percentages.
How our funding was spent in 2023*
Homeless Service

Domestic Abuse Service

Senior Support Service

Fundraising, Marketing & Communications

Support Services

*Original decimals have been rounded up for these percentages.
Fundraising, grants and retail income
Throughout 2023, the goodwill and generosity of the Galway community shone brightly. While the continued economic challenges affect so many, COPE Galway remains deeply touched by the unwavering support demonstrated by individuals, schools, community groups, local businesses and corporations, who have repeatedly shown their commitment to supporting COPE Galway’s clients and services.Â
We are deeply grateful for the trust you placed in COPE Galway and for the impact you have made possible.
MÃle buÃóchas! Thank You!
Total revenue in 2023

Read Our 2023 Annual Report & Audited Accounts
2023 COPE Galway Audited Accounts
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