Governance & Accountability
Governance, transparency and accountability.
At COPE Galway, we are committed to maintaining the highest standards of governance, accountability and transparency.
As such, our Board has adopted codes of best practice which go beyond the minimum legal requirements in order to ensure the highest level of transparency and accountability.
Registered Charity – COPE Galway is a registered charity with the Charities Regulatory Authority – Registered Charity Number (RCN) 20011314. We comply with the requirements and guidelines as set out by the Charities Regulatory Authority.
Limited Company – COPE Galway CLG, trading as COPE Galway, is a company limited by guarantee, registered in the Republic of Ireland. Company number 248134.
Registered Office:
Calbro House,
Tuam Road,
Registered Charity Number RCN 20011314
Revenue number CHY 6339
Company Number 248134
Charities Institute Triple Lock Standard
COPE Galway has achieved the Charities Institute Triple Lock Standard. The standard is awarded to charities that actively demonstrate openness, transparency and integrity to beneficiaries and donors, and operate to the Triple Lock Standards – transparent reporting, ethical fundraising and good governance.
Find more information about the Triple Lock Standard here.
Our Governance Framework
Board Of Directors
COPE Galway is governed by an independent, voluntary Board of Directors who are responsible for the overall governance and strategic direction of the organisation, with operational responsibility delegated to our CEO (Chief Executive Officer).
The Governance Code
Our Board has adopted, is signed up to, and complies with the governance recommendations set out in The Governance Code – the Code of Practice for Good Governance of Community, Voluntary and Charitable Organisations in Ireland.
Housing Agency AHB Regulation
COPE Galway is one of the Approved Housing Bodies (AHBs) signed up to the Housing Agency’s AHB Regulations.
Service Level Agreements key funding agencies
COPE Galway complies with the requirements of the following service level requirements:
Transparency and Accountability
Fundraising Practice and Activities
We are dedicated to achieving the highest standards and best practice in fundraising. We are fully committed to achieving the standards contained within the Guidelines for Charitable Organisations on Fundraising from the Public and to ensuring that we undertake our activities with respect, honesty and integrity and that we are transparent and accountable in our actions.
Our Donor Charter details our commitment to our donors and to how we conduct our fundraising practices and activities.
We are continually improving our fundraising practices and welcome feedback on our performance and how we might improve further.
Financial Accounting & Reporting
Our financial statements and annual reports are prepared in accordance with Charity SORP standards (Statement of Recommended Practice). Our financial accounts are independently audited each and audited accounts are filed with the Companies Registration Office and submitted to the Charities Regulatory Authority.
Our most recent annual reports and financial statements are available on our website.
Feedback and Complaints
Our Handling Feedback and Complaints guidelines outline how clients, stakeholders and the community can send feedback, or submit any complaints they may have about our services, communications or other areas of our work.
Feedback about our services
We have also developed Feedback and Complaints leaflets specific to each of the COPE Galway three Services.
If you have any questions or require further information, please contact us.
Email or call 091 778 750.