thermoking team doing helping hands project

Corporate Volunteer Engagement

Opportunities for company teams to volunteer with COPE Galway

Can your team give a helping hand with projects in our services?

Our Corporate Volunteer Engagement Programme is for companies who are looking for meaningful ways for their teams to get involved in their community.

Volunteering provides a great platform to engage employees which can benefit the employee, employer, the volunteer-involving organisation and of course the community.

What your company can do.

Hands Hands Projects – practical activities like painting, gardening, window cleaning and other maintenance work.
Skills-based or skills sharing activities like IT training, interview skills, personal development, and more.
Support our community events or organise your own community event for COPE Galway.
Corporate volunteering is great for team building. It enhances your brand reputation and makes a huge difference to the people who use our services.

If you would like to get a work team to take on a COPE Galway Volunteer Project, we would like to hear from you.

Contact Lucia, our Volunteer Coordinator, on 091 778 750 or email

Can your team give a helping hand with projects in our services?

Our Corporate Volunteer Engagement Programme is for companies who are looking for meaningful ways for their teams to get involved in their community.

Volunteering provides a great platform to engage employees which can benefit the employee, employer, the volunteer-involving organisation and of course the community.

What your company can do

Helping Hands Projects – practical activities like painting, gardening, window cleaning and other maintenance work.
Skills-based or skills sharing activities like IT training, interview skills, personal development, and more.
Support our community events or organise your own community event for COPE Galway.
Corporate volunteering is great for team building. It enhances your brand reputation and makes a huge difference to the people who use our services.

Some previous Helping Hands teams

Corporate Partnerships

Make a donation today

Your donation will help provide vital support services for people who are homeless, women facing domestic abuse and older people in our community.