Osterly Lodge

Emergency accommodation service for homeless women

Osterley Lodge for homeless women

COPE Galway Osterley Lodge is a 24-hour emergency accommodation service in Salthill, Galway for single adult women who are homeless.

The service has the capacity to accommodate up to 12 women in individual rooms.

On admission to Osterley Lodge, our staff will complete a short needs assessment with you, explain the service and expectations while staying at the lodge. We provide a private bedroom, meals and access to shower and laundry facilities. Each client is assigned a key worker to provide her with one-to-one support.

We strive to provide quality accommodation and supports in a safe and friendly service for everyone who stays in Osterley Lodge.

How to access the Service?

Register as homeless with Galway City Council Housing Department.

Phone Osterley Lodge, 091 521 301, directly or come to the service.

Another agency or person can phone to refer you on your behalf.

Who is the service for?

Self-referrals and referrals from other agencies are also accepted.

Support and services at Osterley

24-hour supervision of the service.
Our qualified, experienced staff who provide one-on-one support for each client, working with you to assess your individual situation and identify support and services that are best suited to your needs.
Your assigned key worker will provide guidance, assistance with developing life skills and advocate on your behalf with accessing relevant services and entitlements.
The service provides information and assistance to access training and skill development opportunities.
Our staff offer advice and assistance to find accommodation.

Our residents also have access to:

Medical Services: A registered General Nurse provides a weekly clinic in the service. We are registered with a GP practice in the community. Podiatry and dental can be accessed outside the service.
Substance Abuse Support: An addiction and relapse prevention counsellor provides a weekly clinic in the service.
Mental Health Support: A community team provide support following GP referral.

Facilities at Osterley Lodge

Individual single bedrooms
Access to showers and laundry facilities
Two communal lounges
Dining room with access to teas/coffees/ refreshments.
Grounds, back garden and smoking area
Access to phone and internet
A lift

Osterley Lodge Contact Details


COPE Galway Osterley Lodge
142 Lower Salthill Road
Galway, H91 DR44


Open 24 hours


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