COPE Galway
Senior Support Service
Supporting healthy, independent ageing for older people.
We offer nutritional and social supports for older people living at home, in their communities.
Our Senior Support team provide a range of one-to-one supports and services for older people in the community who live alone.
We support individuals at home and in the community, as well as working with community groups who are working to meet the needs of older people in their communities.
Our mission is to support healthy, independent ageing at home.
Reach out and speak to us about available supports for you, a loved or someone you know.
My children thought it was a great idea. The like the fact that I get my meals delivered to the door; it would be difficult to organise it any other way. It’s important to have a decent meal sometime in the day.
Read Peter’s Story ❯
Ageing Well in Galway
Links and contact details for some key local and national organisations that provide information, services and supports for ageing well
COPE Galway
Senior Support Service
Supporting healthy, independent ageing, for older people in the community.
older people supported in 2023
availed of community supports and activities.
volunteer befriending visits to 18 individuals.
meals produced and delivered to 675 people.