Support for Women

We support women who are experiencing domestic abuse

If you are a woman who is experiencing domestic abuse, we are here to listen, believe and support you.

Modh Eile House Domestic Abuse Service provides a range of support services for women and children who are experiencing or have experienced domestic abuse and violence.

What to expect when you contact Modh Eile House

We know that every woman’s situation is different and unique to them. When you contact Modh Eile House, we offer you a safe, non-judgemental space where you can talk to someone in confidence about your situation.

You will be given information on the options available to you based on your individual situation, and be given a chance to talk through these options, so you can work out what’s best for you.

Whether you just want to talk, need support or information – whatever you need to do, we will listen, believe and support you through your journey to a life free from domestic abuse.

There is no judgement or pressure on you to take any particular path forward. You have the freedom to decide what is best for you, and when you feel ready, to take the next steps.

If you are in immediate danger, call:

Support services available to you

Free and confidential helpline

24-hour Modh Eile House helpline offering free and confidential support for women experiencing domestic abuse. Those with concerns about a loved one can also seek guidance.

One to One support

One to one support and meetings with a key worker, to talk about your situation and work through your options.

Refuge accommodation

Modh Eile House Refuge offers emergency refuge accommodation for women and children who are at risk at home and who need a safe place.

Outreach Service and Support

Arrange to have one of our team meet you in a safe location in your community. You will still have access to all services available to you. Call 091 56 59 85


You can have one of our team accompany you to court or to other agencies, as a source of support and practical help.

Referral to other agencies

Our support workers can also refer you, and advocate on your behalf if necessary, with other agencies like the HSE, Tusla and Social Protection.

Children who have lived with domestic abuse and violence in their home are all impacted, but each child will be affected differently.

Our Children’s Service team works with children, providing a safe environment and support where your child can talk about and process their experience, to start healing and rebuilding relationships.

We also work with mothers, providing tools and advice on how to help their children, and to work to rebuild the parent-child relationship.

mother holding child

Parenting After Domestic Violence & Abuse (Book).

Parenting After Domestic Abuse & Violence is a resource for mothers who are parenting in the context of domestic abuse. It was created in collaboration with mothers who have themselves made this journey. It is filled with learnings taken from their experiences, as they highlighted the unique parenting challenges they face.

Topics it covers include the effects of domestic abuse on children, talking to your child, how to help your child and advice for mothers whose parenting has been undermined through abuse.

For free and confidential support Call our Domestic Abuse 24/7 Helpline