A woman you love – Tote Bag
A #CarrytheBag #SharetheLoad campaign tote bag.
One in five women experience abuse. These are women from all walks of life. They are not a particular kind of woman, or women of a certain age, race, faith, social, education or career background. They’re just women. And possibly a woman you love.
The #CarrytheBag designs challenge domestic abuse stereotypes, carry positive messages and show support for women experiencing abuse.
A Woman You Love
Older women can find it really difficult to tell anyone of an abusive relationship. They can remain silent for years. It is important to remember that every woman who is abused is loved by someone. How would you feel if a woman you love was being abused?
Designed by young Galway designer, Sadhbh Erika.
If you are collecting your tote bag, you can pick it up from:
COPE Galway Office, Calbro House, Tuam Road, H91 XR9
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