Training & Awareness
Interactive awareness and training workshops on addressing domestic abuse
Our Domestic Abuse Service in Modh Eile House is committed, to not only working with women and children who have been victimised by an abuser, but also to challenge the structures in society that allow such abuse to take place and to continue.
We do this through collaborating with other agencies, so that they may better understand a woman who has been abused, and so better meet her needs; we work with community groups, particularly with young people, to explore healthy relationships and the dynamics of power.
Our work is interactive and explores issues such as the definition of Domestic Violence and Abuse, dynamics and warning signs of abusive relationships, healthy and unhealthy relationships, effects of abuse on women and children, dealing with disclosures and good practice responses.
Some of the groups we work with include:
- Healthcare and hospital personnel
- Social workers
- Gardai
- Teachers
- Youth and Community groups
- Women’s groups
- Schools and colleges
If you are in immediate danger, call:
The GardaÃ
999 or 112 (24 hours)
COPE Galway Domestic
Abuse Service
091 565 985 (24 hours)
Women’s Aid Freephone Helpline
1800 341 90 (10am – 10pm)
Healthy Relationship workshops
Our Healthy Relationships Workshops are available to second level students, and colleges throughout Galway City and County. These workshops are also very interactive and explore abusive relationships in a dating relationship context. We also work with primary schools from time to time.