In this story, James reflects on the circumstances that led to his homelessness and on his experience of COPE Galway Homeless Service.
‘My life hit rock bottom when my mother suddenly died. I was in a dark place. I struggled to cope and turned to drugs. This just made things worse for me. I ended up spending a few years in prison.
Prison gave me time to reflect on things. Up until that point, my life had been extremely chaotic. It had led me into trouble over the years. I began to think about what had led me to this place and how I might make changes. But when I was released, I became homeless.
My probation officer referred me to the local authority, who sourced me a bed at COPE Galway’s Fairgreen Hostel. When I arrived at Fairgreen, the person who greeted me was so kind and friendly. I’ll never forget that moment. It just felt like something had lifted. I immediately felt safe.
Paul was my keyworker. He worked closely with me, supporting me emotionally and helping me to identify and work towards my goals. Over the past year, with his support, I have been able to focus on what I need, to move forward in my life.
Paul and Paudie [Fairgreen’s Team Leader], genuinely cared about my mental well-being. The service even arranged for counselling for me to work through things and they supported me to access addiction services. They helped me to understand how the trauma I experienced, which I hadn’t processed, might be impacting me now.
Being at Fairgreen is the first time I’ve felt valued. I’ve started to believe in myself. Having my own space here gave me a lot of security and stability. I felt I was in the right place to reach out to my family. I hadn’t seen them in almost ten years. Now, I regularly see my child who inspires me to be the man I am today.
I got some great news recently: I will soon have my own home! Paul had referred me for Housing First** and through this I will move to a one-bedroomed apartment, and avail of the programme’s supports. Along with the positive experience I have had at Fairgreen, I think this will be of huge benefit to me.
This September, I am starting a course in Applied Social Studies. I want to train as a Youth and Family Support Worker and offer others the help that I was given. I want people facing these challenges to know it’s okay, that they will be okay. My journey has taught me that.’
* Name changed to protect privacy.
** Housing First provides a comprehensive, holistic approach to addressing homelessness for individuals experiencing mental health and/or physical health challenges. The programme emphasises client choice and recovery and provides permanent, affordable housing and wraparound support through intensive case management and health services focused on sustaining a home. Housing First is jointly delivered in the West Region by COPE Galway and Galway Simon Community.