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You Deserve Better – Tote Bag

You Deserve Better – Tote Bag


A #CarrytheBag #SharetheLoad campaign tote bag.

One in five women experience abuse. These are women from all walks of life. They are not a particular kind of woman, or women of a certain age, race, faith, social, education or career background. They’re just women. And possibly a woman you love.

The #CarrytheBag designs challenge domestic abuse stereotypes, carry positive messages and show support for women experiencing abuse.

You Deserve Better
Many women are first abused during a pregnancy – and they, like every woman, deserve so much better. Sometimes we can be worn down. A woman in an abusive relationship will have her self-esteem eroded to the point that she believes she is worthless. Remind her that she deserves better. That she is worth so much more.

Designed by young Galway designer, Sadhbh Erika.

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