COPE Galway Online Shop

Modh Eile, Another Way – Tote Bag

Modh Eile, Another Way – Tote Bag


A #CarrytheBag #SharetheLoad campaign tote bag.

One in five women experience abuse. These are women from all walks of life. They are not a particular kind of woman, or women of a certain age, race, faith, social, education or career background. They’re just women. And possibly a woman you love.

The #CarrytheBag designs challenge domestic abuse stereotypes, carry positive messages and show support for women experiencing abuse.

Modh Eile – Another way.
Our Domestic Abuse Service and Refuge in Modh Eile House is here for you – 24 hours a day, every day. When you are ready to talk. We are ready to listen – 091 56 59 85.

Designed by young Galway designer, Sadhbh Erika.

If you are collecting your tote bag, you can pick it up from:

COPE Galway Office, Calbro House, Tuam Road, H91 XR9

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