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“Celebrate the Value of Every Woman”

COPE Galway Domestic Abuse Service marks International Women’s Day with a call for Solidarity

As we mark International Women’s Day (March 8), COPE Galway Domestic Abuse Service at Modh Eile House has called on women to stand by and support one another; to be there for the one in five women in Ireland who find themselves in an abusive relationship.

COPE Galway Domestic Abuse Service is a woman’s service. The professional, caring women who work there surround each woman who uses the service with support and belief. Over 20,000 women have used the service since its inception, with many remaining involved in its work. Together, these women have shaped the service to become what it is today: a place of sanctuary.

Dr. Carol Baumann, Head  of COPE Galway’s Domestic Abuse Service, speaks of marking International Women’s Day at Modh Eile House:

“Women are so often defined in terms of their relations to others – daughter, mother, wife, sister, aunt – yet the term “woman” is the term that belongs to her, not one that defines the roles she plays for other people.

International Women’s Day is the day we take notice of each woman, celebrating her own value. It’s also an opportunity for all in our communities to acknowledge the many remarkable women in our lives – to accept her, support her, believe her, believe in her.”

The service is 40 years in operation in 2021. Looking back over the four decades, we observe a long journey that started with recognising the need to provide a safe space for women in unsafe situations, with nowhere else to go.

The initial refuge in Galway, set up in response to this need in 1981, has since evolved into the professional, expanded service it is today, one that works with the women of Galway to make our community a safer place for all.

Dr. Baumann continued, “Tea is an essential ingredient to the many stories told in our women’s room at Modh Eile House, where we invite women to meet with others and with our staff. It’s a safe space for women to just be themselves in a relaxed atmosphere. No woman is judged – she is accepted, respected and supported.”

COPE Galway is holding a virtual tea party during the week of International Women’s Day – an opportunity to support and listen to the women in your life, while raising awareness and funds for COPE Galway’s domestic abuse service. Visit for further information.

If you or someone you know is experiencing domestic abuse or is affected by any of the issues mentioned above phone the COPE Galway Domestic Abuse free and confidential service at 091 56 59 85 (24h).

When you’re ready to talk we’re ready to listen.

COPE Galway Domestic Abuse Service – proudly supporting women and children for 40 years.


Contact Dr. Carol Baumann, Head of COPE Galway Domestic Abuse Service, Modh Eile House

Phone (091) 39 48 80


About Modh Eile House

COPE Galway Domestic Abuse Service, proudly serving women and children for 40 years, relocated to Modh Eile House in May 2020. The service remains open as normal during all levels of COVID restrictions. The service offers specialised support to women and children experiencing abuse, through refuge, outreach and Solas Óg, a service for children and teens.

The name, Modh Eile (Irish for Another Way) was chosen by women who have experienced domestic abuse. They believe the name will give hope to other women to find a way to rebuild their lives and create a better future for their families after domestic abuse.

In 2019 COPE Galway worked with 638 individual women and their children who were experiencing Domestic Abuse.

During the pandemic, COPE Galway is calling on neighbours, friends, co-workers and professional services to make a conscious effort to open and keep open the lines of communication with a woman you may not have heard from in a while. If someone is in danger, call the Gardai – 999. If you see that things are not ok then call us and we can guide and help work out a way to support. Let your friend know it is possible to get help; if someone asks you to make the call, please do so. We have space. We have time. We offer support at every stage and guide through each step to take.

Our service is open 24/7. 091 56 59 85.

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